Monday, April 7, 2008

Of Life and its Elements

The irony with life is that we don’t tend to realize the essence of an element in it until the element is taken away from us. At times, there remains no way to bring back the element and we are left with a void that is filled by lonely nights and pensive thoughts. No wonder why the night sky is a favorite for all of us even though most of us hardly know how to locate the Pole star or the Andromeda. What do we search in it?

An imaginary string connecting the stars in search of a relation that we as human could not build…

A feeling that someone, somewhere is also looking at the same star with the same thoughts as we hold; somewhere when everything seems to diverge, this single star acts as the point of convergence of our thoughts…

A feeling of security that irrespective of what goes on, the night would still visit us after a half spin of the earth, waiting for us to look up at its never ending brace…

The endless sky is the sink for almost all of us, with similar thoughts of reminiscence and memories in its map. Amazingly, with so many inhabitants claiming their emotional space in the sky, we still end up having our own private piece of the sky, without any need of demarcation from the sky of our fellow neighbor for fear of trespassing.

A time comes in our life when the pain of loss instead of draining us down becomes as continuous as the flow of blood in our veins. We do not tend to realize of it until we stumble upon an element that fairly fits into that space. So that while we are filling that abyss, we hit upon a wall of emotions. We discover the incessant pain of this arthritis of last winter. And while we had thought that we have moved on, we learn that we have still ingrained ourselves to our past. This brings us to the realization that that abyss will never be filled, we can only bridge it.

This irreplaceable property of the elements we love makes us attached to the world and are also the reason for our every emotion. So, the night sky will always be flooded by pilgrims seeking their own unique space. And amazingly, the sky will always have that comfortable corner where we would find the transitory haven before we stand out to face the day.


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Unknown said...

lovely...espeially the line A time comes in our life when the pain of loss instead of draining us down becomes as continuous as the flow of blood in our veins.