Monday, September 22, 2008

Inside my Fuckin Mind

(Written with far less slangs than I normally use…
I know, I’ll be sober tomorrow; but that does not mean I have not lived the madness today…
By all means, judge me through this piece. I’m no better a person. But yes, I cannot be worse...)

Knock! Knock! Who is this? Is this the bare-all archives of a man or just the carefully constructed lines of a writer who has it more under the carpet than what he is showing? I feel that this whole blog, despite being my reflection, my mood and a hors d'oeuvre for my only identifiable love so far, is actually a boot polish wax slapped over the dirt of a pair of shoes. That dirt, although now hidden by the wax, still exists.

So let this piece be the raw me: a quick 10 minutes writeup of all the thoughts that is in me at this moment, with a damn to the word construction or the vulgarity of content (or even my image)

1. I have one regret in life. Of the love that was mine and yet I had walked ahead of it. How many times have we done this and how many times are we going to do it again: ignoring the best in our wait for the best and then settling for some with whom we cannot be our best.

2. I strongly feel that love is one shot at the pot with your only arrow. You hit it, and you’ll see the true face of love in the broken clay. What you do with the clay shows what your love is. If you miss the target you live with a regret or a small bookmark to the day when you missed the shot.

3. Yes! I do think of sex. At times when it is extreme, I label it as a basic need of our lives, my life, and ofcourse I remain the starved one. But this shaggy chauvinist is not into me. The other day a beautiful girl, much younger than me passed by my side. I stared at her once (ofcourse without her discovering it). My friend who was observing me closely said, Saale, chhotti hai (She’s much younger). I just smiled and said, Jawani toh solah aur tees ke beech mein hi aati hai (the age of youth do not grow more than 16-30 years)

4. Love to me is like the strong aroma of the roadside bakery. A beggar, I’d sniff its non-taxed portion that cannot be prevented from public consumption by the baker. But neither have I been able to buy a piece of loaf nor has the baker been kind to my hunger.

5. I am ridden by inferiority complex when it comes to my looks or my single dimensional existence. It does not matter a fuck, everyone says, but no one has noticed any single of the fucking blemishes I have lived through. Or the fucking rejections! Or the even bigger fucking no reactions.

6. I am disillusioned. I cannot see farther than the shit on the tip of my shoes. And I’m too afraid to seek out. My dreams have wings that have never taken flight.

7. I feel Che Guevara should have lived longer. And LK Advani, much shorter. In between both, I would want somebody to legalize male prostitution for me to be able to earn something if my pen gives way.

8. The other day as I was struck in the traffic, a small kid, with greasy hair and an unrecognizable face reached out to me. He was accompanied by a street dog, almost in the same make up. I handed over the only piece of Good Day biscuit which I had with me. The kid broke the biscuit into two and gave the smaller piece to his dog.

9. The sign on the Café Coffee Day reads a lot can happen over coffee. Although, I frequent that place, but I do not understand if they want to make things happen by creating a leaf or a heart on the froth of the coffee or by serving pathetic masala tea (I think they believe the Darjeeling/ Assam tea bags to do wonders). In any case, nothing significant has happened to me since I started going to CCD except that I’ve learnt to sip in the fast cold-catching steaming cup of brew and have wasted money, enough to buy the kid in the traffic signal a good year.

10. In life I have lost people I have loved. Some left me. Some kept me as an outdated diary entry, once written and never to be read again. And some stayed with me without setting up their homes in my heart

11. At times, I feel like committing suicide for my lack of courage to step out and find what I want. But there too my courage fails me.


Anonymous said...

well half the things u wrote are rubbish!! for eg...u never had an inferiority complex!! U were and are one of the most confident beings I have seen!! I liked your thoughts on sex though! but remember tumhair jawaani solah se pehle suru hui thi...aur pata nahin tees ke kitne baad tak rahegi!! and suicide??? Wow! i never thought u can think like that....if u had to do it...u would have done it a hundred years ago when i used to know u.......

Anonymous said...

This is total " NIRVANA " expressed or may be attained by the Author using the next best piece of mass lump he carries(but inside his own mouth).
I wonder, was there a need for the Shoe to be disgraced ... well nobody asked Eminem for most of the F’things distorting people from music between the lines.
Believe it or not … the word verification while creating an account to post the above blog asked me type s u c d I k k

Manav- New Delhi said...

This is total " NIRVANA " expressed or may be attained by the Author using the next best piece of mass lump he carries(but inside his own mouth).
I wonder, was there a need for the Shoe to be disgraced ... well nobody asked Eminem for most of the F’things distorting people from music between the lines.
Believe it or not … the word verification while creating an account to post the above blog asked me type s u c d I k k

Anonymous said...

Art Film......

Sometimes....the truth or what we assume to be the truth at that moment....sans all the politeness and craft....sounds good.