Thursday, September 4, 2008

Distorted Thoughts: Episode III

The heart yearns for the long lost days and nights of leisure that my lover so recklessly took away from me

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I've stopped counting the stars… They say, I've grown wise! I believe, I've forgotten how to love

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In my alcove, a stranger tucks in every night… In the morning I wear his gifted odor as I step into the sunshine… The gift never lasts the day… At dusk, I have a new visitor

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I've often been accused for loving too deeply and then trying to fathom the love

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Seek not in the distance, I reside within your desire. When you fly in pursuit of your dream, you'd see me sleeping in your shadow's company. And when your tired hazel eyes droop off, you'd see me guarding your dreams

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Oh my beloved, wear not my words. It cannot be more true than you and me

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And while my tears, which I home in the most delicate saucer of my eye’s mosque, refuse to stay with me, I pray to Thee not to book me as the sinner who had been too profligate in his spends and grant me a few saucers more of this pain reliever of His, lest I might die of starvation.

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I love intuitions. It lets me have my own piece of truth.

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She weighs not my armor, she rains not her love. And when she passes through my defenses, she appraises not my love. What lends to my heart, scrounges from her diffidence. So let her be. For my heart brims with love that sees no summer and no winter

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For you my friend, I had sung a song that the cold wind. It remains as some incomplete words, lost somewhere in the cold mornings of a winter.

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Raped thoughts do not guide, nor does it follow. It just lingers on like a cloud that would neither rain down, nor be pushed away by the wind

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What is truth? It is but a sedative for our conscience

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always loved what you wrote. Its come from the deepest, darkest corner of your heart, though in abstract forms....