Saturday, January 5, 2008

Distorted Thoughts: Episode I

Only when she gleamed in the stolen light did I realize of the Moon in the sky. And all this time I lived an illusion where my Moon walked beside me.

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She showed me the stars, and while I lay lost in their skies she stole my Moon

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The silence following an applause... does it cry for an acceptance too?

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Times when you roll in a laughter and start believing that your stomach can take no more, times in your distress when the tears would well in your eyes, and still obey the Physics of surface tension---both held by a bond called pain. In it we live: in our Summer, in our Winter. About it we think: in our Spring, in our Autumn.

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To the endless night we give ourselves, extending our hands into a tomorrow unseen, unknown; hoping that half a rotation of the earth would give what an another half has taken away from us.

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What is a drizzle that does not excite you to dance? What are tears that do not dry away your pain? What is a laugh that ends in a bondage? What is a wait that does not end at infinity?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing lines!

She showed me the moon and when i lay lost in the skies, she took my moon away.....